Windows were discussed

·         Black mold was reported in buildings 148 and 149

o   The community believes that all buildings should be inspected

HOA Fees/ Units behind

·         52% current units behind

·         92 empty units


·         Community would like to know how the money is being allocated


·         The pool condition is unacceptable

o   Requesting additional bids

o   Current pool cleaner is lower because we supply the chemicals

§  Current pool cleaner suspected of not attending to our pool according to contract

HOA Seats

·         Requesting additional election in August to fill open seats


·         Possible ways to make money off of the clubhouse

o   Allow a preschool to rent out the building

o   After school program

·         House a property/maintenance manager

o   A golf cart for the property/maintenance manager

o   Potentially purchase an empty unit to house the property / maintenance manager

§  Housing will keep them onsite and reduce the salary

·         Reopen the exercise room


·         Use one of the green belts to build a playground