Reviewed June 12th minutes.


·         Financials are available through an email to Kriss

·         Went over budget

·         Updated on the collections status report, board members had copies, we did not

·         It is a break down of each homeowner and their status of repayment, and their communication with the law firm.

·         What is the status of the people who are behind, is there an update on that

·         Both former owners and current owners, the threshold is about 1000.00 before the law firm is involved

·         Payment negotiations are in process

·         If past homeowners have sold their house, the question was raised if the new homeowners are paying

o   The answer was yes

·         If there is a lean on the house when the home is sold will a percentage of the payment go towards the past dues.

o   Not if it is a foreclosure

·         57 units are behind right now

·         Ranging from 10-6000.00 dollars in past dues

Window issues

·         Construction defects repairs continue

·         Letters have been sent to homeowners that have the defects, titan restoration is the contractors that have been doing the repairs. They are the least expensive at least 10% less than others

·         About 35 units are being repaired

·         Once the repair is done it is up to the homeowner to contact Ogden to negotiate repayment. The board will assists in the decision

·         It was questioned why there were no bids last month but now they have bids.

o   Kriss said they do have bids and that the bids are available for homeowners to review

·         The question was asked how many windows per unit did they look at

o   They do not know

·         One home was over 8k, Titan is charging materials, labor, and profit overhead.

·         Difficulty finding contractors that want to do the work because it is a builder defect

·         Titan is putting a 2 year warranty that no other contractor is offering.

·         Why isn’t this being covered by our insurance

o   A home owner advised that they were told 5 years ago that this was an insurance issue

§  It is a construction defect therefore insurance will not cover. If it was built properly and then there was an issue that would be an insurance issue. This is to go back to the contractors, our contractors are no longer in business.

§  Even if it was covered by insurance it would be a 5k unit charge as this is a per unit issue

§  If we did this community wide then the fee would be combined and charged to each unit, rather they are having issues or not.

·         A unit is having roofing issues without resolution. Kriss is advising that this is covered by HOA and it should have been resolved. Home owner is advising it has not been updated.

·         Question was raised for the timeframe for repayment of window repair.

o   Repayments are being suggested over years. If HOA pays upfront and homeowners take years to pay back we are in danger to run out of reserve.

·         The exterior walls fall under the jurisdiction of the HOA.

·         Kriss is under the impression that these are new issues, home owners advise him this is not a recent issue, it has just been ignored. Kriss retracted.

·         Asked where proposals should be submitted

o   Email should be sent to Kriss

·         The question lies in if the home owner cannot afford to repay the charges, but the HOA does not repair, this is now a legal liability.

The entry gate

·         June 21st reported that gate was not functioning.

·         June 28th the gate was hit by a car.

o   Efforts are made to have issues corrected as soon as possible

o   Gate damage is suspected to be a particular unit

o   Gate being wired open the day of a yard sale

o   An arm was broken off of the gate, motor issues, etc.

New Business

·         Dot Michaelis is resigning

o   The two remaining board members are to take resumes and assign the remaining position

o   Email your resume/a blurb as to why you would be a good board member, how long you have lived in the community, what benefit you would bring to the board to Kriss

o   Asked why we cant move towards having 5 members

§  Kriss advised this is a board decision

o   We can have a minimum of 3 majority 7

o   Suggestion made that the three seats be elected, not appoint one and elect two

§  That this decision can be made this meeting

§  The notices need to be sent out in the same fashion as our annual board meetings

§  By Friday the decision will be made rather or not the number will be moved from 3 to five

§  They like the idea of five but has concern that the larger number will increase the work

§  The CCNR needs to be reviewed before a decision is made

o   Three community members expressed their interests in being on the board

§  Kriss advised they should submit their resumes

·         The board asked for some bids for prox card systems instead of the key pad and keys at the pool and the front.

o   It is a swipe card system

o   Went over bids

o   Exactly the same product and an extra reader

§  Park Pro 10, 414. 37

·         Larger company

§  Access Unlimited 8,008.29

Open forum

·         Concerned with opening back gate

o   Not being considered at this time due to cost

·         Club house has black ants, termites, and the carpet has not been cleaned for two years.

o   A offered to do a walk through with the renters to assure the clubhouse is put back in order after events.

§  Assure deposits are not returned without assuring things are in place

·         Trees are overgrown and can cause potential damage to the buildings

o   Emails are sent to Kriss without response.

§  A comment was made that someone did come out to spray for ants

§  But it has not been within the last two months

o   And at the HOA meetings

·         Can we have someone put the garbage pails away

o   Requesting they are put out on Thursday

·         The pool is green per someone’s walk by observation

·         Rocks in the back of the units

o   Three months unit has waited for rocks without any

·         Cameras in the pool area

o   D discussed castco has cameras with a rebate and discount

§  ADT does monitoring that Kriss has looked into, cost not effective

§  Kriss is asking for a proposal to be put together

§  Another home owner suggested her son put an additional proposal together

o   Board is not interested in maintaining them, is there anyone who is volunteering to maintain

o   The thing we need to do is ketch the people who are not supposed to be at the pool

§  Confront them

§  Contact Kriss

§  Block watch was suggested

§  Creative landscaping

·         Put things that are unfavorable to land on around the perimeter

·         Dogs not on leashes

o   People not picking up after their pets

o   If you know who the home owner  is report it to Kriss


·         Community events

o   Paying 150 for community events

§  As long as it is community wide the board as agreed that the fee can be waved

§  There needs to be a responsible party for clean up

·         Lights off

·         AC off

·         Door locked

·         Unit 63 offered paper products

·         Next meeting is Aug 16th